
Current Projects



*OPETAN (since 2017) Project partner within the international project Observations of Pedagogical Excellence of Teachers Across Nations 


Principle Investigator: Kara Mitchell Viesca (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA).

Project partners: Jenni Alisaari, Emmanuel Acquah, Nancy Commins (University of Turku, Finland),

                                   Johanna Ennser-Kananen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland),

                                   Ratha Perumal (King’s College London, UK),

                                   Annela Teemant (Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis, USA).

Funded by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Education and Human Sciences (CEHS) International Seed Grant. Funded with 7000$ as knock-on financing.

  • Involved in developing the project idea and proposal writing


Former Projects

* ICMEE (2016-2021) Project Partner within the international project International Consortium for Multilingual Excellence in Education


Principle Investigator: Kara Mitchell Viesca (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA).

Funded by the Department of Education Office of English Language Acquisition National Professional Development Program. Funded with 2.74 million $.

  • Involved in developing the project idea and project consultant with research duties


* DaZKom-Video (2017 - 2019) Project partner in the German project DaZKom-Video: Performanznahe Messung von Deutsch-als-Zweitsprache-Kompetenz bei (angehenden) Lehrkräften [Performance-Oriented Measurement of German as a Second Language Competency (GSL-Competency) of (Pre-Service) Teachers]


Principle Investigators: Timo Ehmke (Leuphana University of Lüneburg), 

                                                 Barbara Koch-Priewe, Anne Köker, Udo Ohm (Bielefeld University).

Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research 

  • Involved in developing the project idea, proposal writing and budget planning



* DaZKom (2012 - 2015) Research Associate in the project DaZKom: Professionelle Kompetenzen angehender LehrerInnen (Sek I) im Bereich Deutsch als Zweitsprache [Professional competencies of pre-service teachers (secondary schools) for German as a Second Language]


Principle Investigators: Timo Ehmke (Leuphana University of Lüneburg), 

                                                 Barbara Koch-Priewe, Anne Köker, Udo Ohm (Bielefeld University).


Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research 

  • Involved in the devolpment of the theroretical model and instrument, statistical analyses, report writing, publications, presentations