2023 Hammer, S., Alisaari, J., Lemmrich, S., & Viesca, K.M. Presences and Absences in Teachers’ Perspectives on Diversity. Conference of the European Educational
Research Association (EERA-ECER), Glasgow, UK.
2023 Viesca, K.M., Alisaari, J., Flynn, N., Hammer, S., Lemmrich, S., Routarinne, S., & Teemant, A. Orientations to Embrace, Elevate, and Sustain
Diversity/Differences. Conference of the European Educational Research Association (EERA-ECER), Glasgow, UK.
2023 Viesca, K.M., Alisaari, J., Flynn, N., Hammer, S., Lemmrich, S., Routarinne, S., Teemant, A., & Wang, P. Improving Teacher Retention through
Positive and Productive School and Classroom Climates for Diversity. Conference of the European Educational Research Association (EERA-ECER), Glasgow, UK.
2023 Hammer S. International Investigation of Orientations towards a Positive School Climate for Diversity. Session “Revisiting Nordic Approach to Disability” at the
conference of the Nordic Network for Disability Research (NNDR), Reykjavik, Island.
2023Hammer, S., Viesca, K.M. Measuring Pre-Service Teachers' Pedagogical Language Knowledge in the US: A Test Instrument. Session "One Instrument, Four Contexts:
International Explorations of Pedagogical Language Knowledge" at the conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, USA.
2022 Schroedler, T., Hammer, S. & Wernicke, M. Challenges and Opportunities in International Comparisons of Teacher Preparation for Multilingual Learners: Results
and Reflections from the MultiTEd Project. Conference of Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE), University of Graz, Austria.
2022 Hammer, S., Viesca, K.M., Ehmke, E., Deng, Q., & Heinz, B. Measuring Teacher’s Beliefs Regarding Multilingualism in School. Hybrid-conference of the
American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, USA.
2021 Hammer, S. Observation of Pedagogical Excellence in Teachers Across Nations (OPETAN): Lessons Learned from a Four Nation Study. Online-conference of the American
Educational Research Association (AERA), Orlando, USA.
2021 Gray, T., Masterson, J., Viesca, K.M., Morgenson, C., & Hammer, S. Evasion Pedagogies in Middle School: A Day in the Life of Three Multilingual Students.
Online-conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Orlando, USA.
2020 Hammer, S. Observations of Pedagogical Excellence in Teaching Across Nations (OPETAN): Results from a Four Nation Study. The Exploring Language Education Conference
(ELE), Oslo, Norway. (accepted but cancelled due to COVID-19)
2020 Vasylyeva, T., Niederhaus, C., Böttger, l., Hammer, S., & Ehmke, T. Competences in teaching multilingual classrooms in pre-service and in-service teacher.
International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Groningen, Netherlands. (accepted but cancelled due to COVID-19)
2020 Hammer, S., Viesca, K.M., Ehmke,T., & Heinz, B.E. Changes in Teachers‘ Beliefs Regarding Multilingualism in Schools. Accepted for Conference of the American
Educational Research Association (AERA), San Fransisco, USA. (accepted but cancelled due to COVID-19)
2020 Viesca, K.M., Strom, K.J., Gatti, L., Hammer, S., et al. Content Teaching for Multilingual Students: a Complex Assemblage of Interconnected Elements. Accepted for
Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Fransisco, USA. (accepted but cancelled due to COVID-19)
2019 Schroedler, T., Hammer, S., Lemmrich, S., & Otto, L. Multilingualism and Teacher Education in Germany – Approaches under the Condition of increasing Diversity and
Federalism. Conference of the European Educational Research Association (EERA-ECER), Hamburg, Germany.
2019 Hammer, S., Viesca, K.M., Ehmke, E., & Heinz, B. Cross Cultural Comparison Between US and German Teachers' Beliefs Towards Multilingualism. Conference of the
European Educational Research Association (EERA-ECER), Hamburg, Germany.
2019 Viesca, K.M., Hammer, S., Flynn, N., & Alisaari, J. An International Examination of Quality Instructional Practices for Multilingual Learners in Content Classroom.
Conference of the European Educational Research Association (EERA-ECER), Hamburg, Germany.
2019 Hammer, S., & Viesca, K.M. Creating the Context for Language Development: Joint Productive Activity Across Content Classrooms in Four Nations. Conference of the
European Educational Research Association (EERA-ECER), Hamburg, Germany.
2019 Hammer,S., Viesca,K.M., Ehmke,T., & Heinz, B.E.Teachers’beliefs concerning teaching multilingual learners: a cross-cultural comparison between the US and
Germany. Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada.
2019 Viesca, K. M., Hammer, S., Alisaari, J., Routarinne, S., Teemant, A., Perumal, R., Flynn, N., & Acquah, E. Quality Content Teaching for Multilingual
Students: An International Examination of Instructional Practices in Four Nations. Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada.
2018 Otto, L., & Hammer, S. Practical Experience Equals Competency? Pre-And In-Service Teachers’ Professional Competency Development For Linguistically
Responsive Teaching In Content Classrooms. Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, USA.
2017 Alisaari, J., Hammer, S., Mendonça Dias, C., Paffard, F., White, R., & Viesca, K. The Multilingual Learner Research Group. Conference of the European
Educational Research Association (EERA-ECER), Copenhagen, Denmark.
2017 Fischer, N. & Hammer, S.. Deutsch als Zweitsprache im Fachunterricht –Überzeugungen angehender Lehrkräfte. [German as a Second Language in the Content
Classroom: Pre-Service Teachers’ Beliefs]. Conference of the Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Heidelberg, Germany.
2017 Ehmke, T., Hammer, S. & Fischer, N.. DaZ-Kompetenz von Lehramtsstudierenden: Effekte von Personenmerkmalen und Lerngelegenheiten auf den
Kompetenzzuwachs. [Pre-Service Teachers’ German-as-a-Second-Language Competency: Effects of Person Characteristics and Opportunities to Learn on Competency Growth]. Conference on the subject
of New International Perspectives on Future Teachers’ Professional Competencies, Hamburg, Germany.
2017 Hammer, S. & Otto, L.. Linguistically Responsive Teaching in Content Classrooms: E-Learning module for pre-service teachers’ professional competency
development. Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Antonio, USA.
2017 Hammer, S.. Professionelle Kompetenzen (angehender) Lehrkräfte im Umgang mit sprachlicher Heterogenität im nationalen und internationalen Vergleich
-Entwicklung eines Kompetenzmodells. [Pre-Service Teachers’ Professional Competencies Regarding Linguistic Heterogeneity in National and International Comparison – Development of a Competency
Model]. Closing Event of the Nachwuchsakademie Sprachliche Bildung in Cologne, Germany.
2016 Fischer, N., Hammer, S. & Viesca, K.. Cross-National Research on Teachers of Bi/Multilingual Learners Challenges & Successes in Improving Equity.
Conference of the Finnish Educational Research Association (FERA), Turku, Finland.
2016 Hammer, S.. Multilingualism in School (Pre-)Service Teachers‘ Competencies and Opportunities to Learn. Conference of the International Association of
Multilingualism (IAM L3) International Conference on Multilingualism and Third Language Acquisition, Vienna, Austria.
2016 Aguerre, S., Alisaari, J., Commins, N., Dahm, R., Hammer, S. & Perumal, R.. Teaching in Multilingual Classrooms: International Perspective and
Frameworks. Conference of the European Educational Research Association (EERA-ECER), Dublin, Ireland.
2016 Hammer, S., Fischer, N. & Ehmke, T. Measuring Pre-service Teachers’ Professional Competencies in the Field of German as a Second Language: Knowledge and
Beliefs. Conference of the Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Berlin, Germany.
2015 Hammer, S.. Mehrsprachigkeit im schulischen Kontext – Ein internationales Kompetenzmodell. [Multilingualism in the School Setting – A International
Competency Model]. Conference „Intergrative Sprach(en)förderung - Fragen, Handlungsfelder und Perspektiven“, Lüneburg, Germany.
2015 Fischer, N. & Hammer, S.. Deutsch als Zweitsprache im Fachunterricht – Überzeugungen angehender Lehrkräfte. [German as a Second Language in the Content
Classroom: Pre-Service Teachers’ Beliefs]. Conference of the Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Göttingen, Germany.
2015 Hammer, S., Ehmke, T. & Otto, L.. USA, Germany and Finland: Collaborating to Develop Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teachers of Second Language
Learners. Conference of the International Society for Language Studies (ISLS), Albuquerque, USA.
2015 Hammer, S. & Viesca, K.M.. Towards an International Competency Model for Teaching Multilingual Learners in Content Classrooms. Conference of the American
Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, USA.
2015 Ehmke, T., Hammer, S., Ohm, U., Koch-Priewe, B., Köker, A. & Gültekin-Karakoc, N.. Measuring Pre-service Teachers‘ Pedagogical Language Knowledge:
Development of a test instrument in the Field of German as a Second Language. Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, USA.
2015 Hammer, S., Ehmke, T., Ohm, U., Koch-Priewe, B., Köker,A. & Gültekin-Karakoc, N.. Deutsch-als-Zweitsprache-Kompetenz von angehenden Lehrkräften: Welche
Rolle spielen Lerngelegenheiten im Studium? [Pre-Service Teachers‘ German-as-a-Second-Language Competency: Which Role do Opportunities to Learn Play in Teacher Education?] Conference of the
Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Bochum, Germany.
2014 Hammer, S.. Validierung eines Testinstruments für Kompetenzen von Lehramtsstudierenden im Bereich Deutsch als Zweitsprache. [Validation of a Test Measuring
Pre-Service Teachers’ Competencies in German as a Second Language] Conference of the Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), Hamburg, Germany.
2014 Hammer, S.. Competency-Based Model of Educator Development for Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teachers. KoKoHs-Autumn Academy, Berlin, Germany.
2013 Hammer, S., & Rosenbrock, S. (2013). DaZKom – Professionelle Kompetenzen angehender LehrerInnen im Bereich Deutsch als Zweitsprache. [DaZKom –
Professional Competency of Pre-Service Teachers in the Field of German as a Second Language] Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung (DGFF), Augsburg,
2013 Hammer, S. (2013). Construct validity of a test instrument to measure competencies in German as a Second Language of pre-service teachers. International
Colloquium for Young Researchers, Mainz, Germany.