2023 Organisation of a track on the topic 'Organizing Exclusion: Tackling Inequities by Dealing with Organizations' at NEON-dagene in Trondheim, Norway
2023 Organisation of a track on the topic 'Endringsledelse: motstand og trøbbel i likestillings- og mangfoldsarbeid' at NEON-dagene in Trondheim, Norway
2019 Organisation of a symposium on the topic ‘Teachers' Beliefs about Multilingualism in Schools’ at the conference of the European Conference for Educational Research
(ECER) in Hamburg, Germany.
2018 Organisation of two webinars and a 2-day f2f-meeting on the topic ‘Multilingualism and Teacher Education (MultiTEd)’ with Timo Ehmke, Leuphana University of Lüneburg,
Antje Hansen & Ingrid Gogolin, University of Hamburg, Germany.
2017 Organisation of a round table on the topic ‘The Multilingual Learner Research Group’ at the European Conference for Educational Research (ECER) in Copenhagen, Denmark.
2016 Organisation of a round table on the topic ‘Teaching in multilingual classrooms: international perspective and frameworks’ at the European Conference for Educational
Research (ECER) in Dublin, Ireland.
2016 Organisation of a symposium on the topic ‘Learning Environments for Teaching in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms’ at the European Conference for Educational Research
(ECER) in Dublin, Ireland.
2015 Organisation of a symposium on the topic ‘International Perspectives on Teacher Preparation for Second Language Learners’ at the conference of the American Educational
Research Association (AERA) in Chicago, USA.